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- Improving healthy family systems and the more complex (or dysfunctional) family dynamic

- Working with families, including the mother-child and father-child dyad

- Ante- and Post-Natal stages of pregnancy, which include Post-Natal Depression and Anxiety (for both mother

  and father)

We aim to improve a high-functioning family or enable a family to develop better emotional interaction and communication skills so that there is greater understanding, empathy, and communication through critical periods of change, such as changing schools, changing jobs, moving to a new region or country, divorce, separation, death of close family, re-marriage, the introduction of step-mother, step-father or step-sibling, or perhaps the most significant change of all, the empty-nest-syndrome. Therapy in this area is designed for the immediate family and includes grandparents, close family friends, or other extended family or carers. It is important to note that the systemic family approach may have many dimensions and that these complexities are approached in a caring and holistic manner.



* We Do Better Together: Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children aged 0-5 and their Families (KidsMatter)

* The Little Helps the Big: The Benefits of Supporting The Little Transitions in a Young Child's Life (KidsMatter)

* Working Together to Manage Substance Use and Mental Health Issues (MHPN)

* MHPN Gold Coast Network Meetings on Mental Health (MHPN)

* Working Together to Support the Mental Health of People who have Experienced Family Violence (MHPN)

* Steps on the Journey Towards Cultural Competence with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (AIPA)

* Working Therapeutically with Complex Trauma (MHPN)

* Working with Young Children with Attachment Disorders & their Families (APS)

* Advanced Child Mental Health Service ATAPS (APS)

* Childhood Trauma in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster (APS)

* Recognising, Screening and Assessing Complex Trauma (MHPN)

* Working Together: Journey toward Cultural Competence with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People (AIPA)

* Collaborative Care, Young People, Grief, Loss and Trauma (MHPN)

* The Emotional Diagnosis of High Functioning ASD (ATAPS)

* Childhood Anxiety (ATAPS)

* DSM-5: Learning Disabilities (APS)

* DSM-5: Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders (APS)

* DSM-5: Personality Disorders (APS)

* DSM-5: Grief, Bereavement and Depression (APS)

* Webinar - Working with Children with Conduct Problems and their Families (APS)

* ATAPS Telephone Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Training (APS)

* Suicide Prevention Professional Development Training (APS)

* Working with Groups under ATAPS CMHS (APS)

* Children's Mental Health Service Professional Development Training: Fundamentals (APS)

* Panel Discussion Part A Children’s Mental Health Training (APS)

* WorkCover NSW training for approved Psychologist providers

* Awarded Medicare Provider Number

* Clinical Psychological Interventions 2 (subject PYN044, QUT)

* FISH Philosophy Workshop (QHealth)

* Awarded qualified Mental Health Assessor (QHealth)

* Working with People Affected by Eating Disorders in the Inpatient Setting (Eating Disorders Outreach Service)

* Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Fortress Learning)

* Pearson PCTA workshop on administration and scoring of the DKEFS, WAIS IV and WMS IV

* Assessment and Management of Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders (QHealth)

* Consumer Assessment Mental Health Act 2000 Queensland Health

* Group Therapy Training (Psychology Consultation)

* Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Second Edition – Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)

* Mental Health Educator Development Program (Qld Health)

* Foundational DBT Training Course (Behavioural Tech Denver USA)

* Conceptualisation of a Case Study Seminar (APS)

* Workplace Harrassment (Bullying) (Gold Coast Hospital Southport Learning & Development Unit)

* Transcultural Mental Health Assessment & Diagnosis (Qld Government Transcultural Services)

* Transcultural Mental Health Interventions (Qld Gov. Transcult. Serv.)

* Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Individual Consultations

* Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Program (Qld Health)

* Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (CPM Training & Counselling)

* Modulised Inter-Personal Therapy (IPT) Group Therapy for Depression

* Understanding Early Trauma (Compass Australia)

* Working Systematically with Complex Cases (QAFT)

* Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Individual Consultations

* Working in Multiculturally Diverse Teams (Qld Health – Multicultural Unit)

* Eating Disorders (Qld Health – Eating Disorders Adult Service);

* Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) (Janssen-Cilag)

* High-Risk Aggression Behaviour Management (Qld Health)

* Working Holistically with Mental Health Consumers (QCMHL)

* Modulised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Group Therapy for Anxiety

* Supervision Level Group and Individual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

* Meta-Analysis of Second Generation Anti-Psychotics in Treating Schizophrenia (Qld Health)

* Orientation to Mental Health Practice (Qld Centre for Mental Health Learning)

* Legal and Ethical Issues in Practice (QCMHL)

* Aggressive Behaviour Management for Healthcare Workers (Qld Health)

* Senior First Aid Certificate

* Suicide Risk Assessment and Management (QCMHL)

* Mental State Examination (QCMHL)

* Modulised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Group Therapy for Depression

* Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 7P’s Formulation

* Schizophrenia Pharmacology (Qld Health)

* Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (Living Works – Lifeline

* Youth Mental Health First Aid (Department of Health)

* Seminar: The Complex Mood Patient

* Modulised Group and Individual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (Qld Mental Health)

* Crisis Counselling and Crisis Intervention

* QLD Blue Card with Comm. for Children and Young People and Child Guardian

* NSW Working with Children and Child Guardian Check

* Advanced Resuscitation Certificate

* Toastmaster International - Speechcraft

* Improvement Reading Centre (Speed Reading)

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