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ADOLESCENTS (13-18 years)

- Adolescent Depression and Anxiety

- Assessments utilizing such psychometric tools as WISC-IV, WIAT-III, WAIS-IV, WPPSI-III, ABAS-II, Behaviour checklists,

 Connors, GADS, SB-V

- Adolescent Eating Disorders (Anorexia and/or Bulimia)

- Adolescent Stress due to academic expectations and results, Social Phobia, Peer Pressure, Bullying, Low Self-Esteem, and

 Assertiveness Training

- Adolescent coping strategies for adolescents with terminal or chronic illness (mental, emotional and physical health), and

 for teenagers exposed to family members with terminal or chronic illnesses.

- Adolescent addictions such as smoking, alcoholism, and substance abuse

- Anxiety and personality-based responses such as nail biting, hair pulling, and self-harm

- Childhood or adolescent singular critical trauma incidents such as accidents, death (expected, sudden or unexpected)

- Childhood or adolescent trauma such as child abuse, incest, sexual violation, or exposure to environmental calamity or war

- Complex adolescent psychopathology such as Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideation,

 Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Affective Disorder, and Dissociative Disorder - Adolescent Stress Management and

 Relaxation Adolescent Gender Issues, Sexual Issues (dysfunction and/or dissatisfaction), and vitally essential factors such as

 gender confusion, homosexuality, bisexuality, or fetishes.

- Adolescent assessment in cognitive ability, memory, adaptive skills, behaviour, personality and psychological diagnosis.

 Assessment has a multisystemic approach, including the school, community, and family structures.



* We Do Better Together: Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children aged 0-5 and their Families (KidsMatter)

* The Little Helps the Big: The Benefits of Supporting The Little Transitions in a Young Child's Life (KidsMatter)

* Working Together to Manage Substance Use and Mental Health Issues (MHPN)

* MHPN Gold Coast Network Meetings on Mental Health (MHPN)

* Working Together to Support the Mental Health of People who have Experienced Family Violence (MHPN)

* Steps on the Journey Towards Cultural Competence with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (AIPA)

* Working Therapeutically with Complex Trauma (MHPN)

* Working with Young Children with Attachment Disorders & their Families (APS)

* Advanced Child Mental Health Service ATAPS (APS)

* Childhood Trauma in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster (APS)

* Recognising, Screening and Assessing Complex Trauma (MHPN)

* Working Together: Journey toward Cultural Competence with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People (AIPA)

* Collaborative Care, Young People, Grief, Loss and Trauma (MHPN)

* The Emotional Diagnosis of High Functioning ASD (ATAPS)

* Childhood Anxiety (ATAPS)

* DSM-5: Learning Disabilities (APS)

* DSM-5: Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders (APS)

* DSM-5: Personality Disorders (APS)

* DSM-5: Grief, Bereavement and Depression (APS)

* Webinar - Working with Children with Conduct Problems and their Families (APS)

* ATAPS Telephone Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Training (APS)

* Suicide Prevention Professional Development Training (APS)

* Working with Groups under ATAPS CMHS (APS)

* Children's Mental Health Service Professional Development Training: Fundamentals (APS)

* Panel Discussion Part A Children’s Mental Health Training (APS)

* WorkCover NSW training for approved Psychologist providers

* Awarded Medicare Provider Number

* Clinical Psychological Interventions 2 (subject PYN044, QUT)

* FISH Philosophy Workshop (QHealth)

* Awarded qualified Mental Health Assessor (QHealth)

* Working with People Affected by Eating Disorders in the Inpatient Setting (Eating Disorders Outreach Service)

* Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Fortress Learning)

* Pearson PCTA workshop on administration and scoring of the DKEFS, WAIS IV and WMS IV

* Assessment and Management of Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders (QHealth)

* Consumer Assessment Mental Health Act 2000 Queensland Health

* Group Therapy Training (Psychology Consultation)

* Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Second Edition – Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)

* Mental Health Educator Development Program (Qld Health)

* Foundational DBT Training Course (Behavioural Tech Denver USA)

* Conceptualisation of a Case Study Seminar (APS)

* Workplace Harrassment (Bullying) (Gold Coast Hospital Southport Learning & Development Unit)

* Transcultural Mental Health Assessment & Diagnosis (Qld Government Transcultural Services)

* Transcultural Mental Health Interventions (Qld Gov. Transcult. Serv.)

* Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Individual Consultations

* Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Program (Qld Health)

* Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (CPM Training & Counselling)

* Modulised Inter-Personal Therapy (IPT) Group Therapy for Depression

* Understanding Early Trauma (Compass Australia)

* Working Systematically with Complex Cases (QAFT)

* Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Individual Consultations

* Working in Multiculturally Diverse Teams (Qld Health – Multicultural Unit)

* Eating Disorders (Qld Health – Eating Disorders Adult Service);

* Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) (Janssen-Cilag)

* High-Risk Aggression Behaviour Management (Qld Health)

* Working Holistically with Mental Health Consumers (QCMHL)

* Modulised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Group Therapy for Anxiety

* Supervision Level Group and Individual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

* Meta-Analysis of Second Generation Anti-Psychotics in Treating Schizophrenia (Qld Health)

* Orientation to Mental Health Practice (Qld Centre for Mental Health Learning)

* Legal and Ethical Issues in Practice (QCMHL)

* Aggressive Behaviour Management for Healthcare Workers (Qld Health)

* Senior First Aid Certificate

* Suicide Risk Assessment and Management (QCMHL)

* Mental State Examination (QCMHL)

* Modulised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Group Therapy for Depression

* Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 7P’s Formulation

* Schizophrenia Pharmacology (Qld Health)

* Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (Living Works – Lifeline

* Youth Mental Health First Aid (Department of Health)

* Seminar: The Complex Mood Patient

* Modulised Group and Individual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (Qld Mental Health)

* Crisis Counselling and Crisis Intervention

* QLD Blue Card with Comm. for Children and Young People and Child Guardian

* NSW Working with Children and Child Guardian Check

* Advanced Resuscitation Certificate

* Toastmaster International - Speechcraft

* Improvement Reading Centre (Speed Reading)

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